Magic Secret


Artist book
174 page
Full colour
Perfect bound
21cm x 14.7cm

£20 with free UK postage - all other destinations £10 postage

Texts by Fabric Lenny, Shantell Martin, Jason Singh and more….

Fabric Lenny creates work that explores being human. His experiences are processed through his own specific filter before being outputted in a variety of forms ranging from drawing and painting to sculpture, VR and projected live animation.

Each of these forms are presented here through over 100 images, alongside text from friends and collaborators.

'I implore all young artists to be as daring and thoughtful as he continues to be'.
- Shantell Martin

'I love that Fabric Lenny sees art in everything. The way he takes a space, shape, sign or surface and has the ability of turning it into a world where everything feels better'.
- Jason Singh

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